Let’s explore our next investment – the real estate crowd platform Exporo. Described below our positive impression of this FinTech, no less because of how much we learned about them. Meeting the FinTech in an event DS joined a fair called Düsseldorf Anlegertag in March, where Exporo hosted a stand. That event is a chance for investors to know more …
Crowdestate – next investment
Shortly after we introduced another platform, let us present the latest FinTech investment we’re testing: Crowdestate with a focus on real estate. While we already have at least one such investment in our portfolio (described here), this platform really delivers something different. Crowdestate has an apparently efficient secondary market that provides liquidity to investors throughout the project cycle. Usually the …
PeerBerry – next investment
We finally get to the final post of the year, and what a year 2018 has been! At the end of 2017, this blog and DS were only having baby steps. Although our ambitions are for much higher flights, there were a few accomplishments that we should be proud of, and some self-imposed challenges going forward. Before that, however, let …
IUVO – next investment
Before the year ends, we still wanted to make some last investment posts, and this one is about the platform IUVO. Strangely enough I found this platform through Facebook, which as mentioned previously is not something I usually like to admit. In my opinion, the best online platforms to act as intermediaries are specialized one way or another, but in …
Next investment – Mintos
This text post will introduce the next investment through FinTechs for DS: the platform Mintos. This marketplace offers something quite different than other crowdfunding platforms, and this is a report of my first experience investing with them. First thing to know about Mintos is that it positions itself as a second-tier aggregator crowdlending platform. This means that you don’t finance …
One Crowd, two tales
This text will explore an important segment of the FinTech innovation spectrum, namely crowdlending. We aim at explaining how it works, giving two examples of platforms and touching their respective target-audiences, and finally mention what this brings as an opportunity to one common investor, especially one with little experience. Doing a quick research on the background of crowdfunding – …