Investment Timeline: May 2018: € 1,000 investment August 2018: € 1,500 investment October 2018: € 200 withdrawal Audio description: • 0:00 – 0:59 Hello everyone, this is a first (post) version of the DS fintech in voice. We’re going to talk today about an update of a previous investment and this is regarding the FinTech Mintos. This is a platform …
PeerBerry – next investment
We finally get to the final post of the year, and what a year 2018 has been! At the end of 2017, this blog and DS were only having baby steps. Although our ambitions are for much higher flights, there were a few accomplishments that we should be proud of, and some self-imposed challenges going forward. Before that, however, let …
August catch up
It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted something here, hope you weren’t waiting for the next post. Or maybe I don’t find it too bad if you were, but please feel free to write me whenever that happens and give me a nudge, ask something or even to plain and simply complain about it. Instead of a more focused …
New features under way
this week’s text will be very short and straight to the point: I’m simply announcing a small upgrade in our offer on this webpage and aim at launching the following two new features in the upcoming weeks: An events page with upcoming FinTech and Entrepreneurship events in Düsseldorf and region; This was a part of the plan from the beginning …