A lot of attention is dedicated nowadays to social networks, but it’s easy to forget that the main underlying reason for such networks to exist and thrive is to leverage the power of communities. This post aims at describing the multifaceted potential of communities, going from the different types you might encounter all the way to concrete examples, also touching …
The difference between Stock and Flow
Stock and flow are alternative ways to look at – and control – your money. Even if both are important, it’s key to understand these concepts to obtain a deep understanding of your finances. We have explored in previous texts a number of different angles of Finance and FinTech, and this aims at explaining this simple and fundamental question: when …
Crypto overview
One of the first DS Capital Management’s investments is a crypto-asset, but the review of that specific investment wil have to wait. This post introduces the crypto-currency topic starting with Blockchain technology, then explaining how Bitcoin was the first and largest crypto-currency, and moving on to alternative currencies before our concluding remarks. I’m not assuming readers know almost anything about …
Know what you have – part 2 – Advanced control
Last week I made the point that having control of your finances is good for virtually everyone, and we have gone through a few common excuses people give not to take care of their financial life. This post is its sequence, and the idea here is to drill down into the benefits of better financial control. Oversight – Knowing what …
Know what you have – asset / debt control
One of my earliest texts was published on my LinkeIn page trying to respond a question regarding when taking credit makes sense, and this post (including upcoming part 2) intends to cover what I consider one of the most important things you can do over the long-run regarding your finances – and produces information you need for the credit question: …