We now have a few different platforms to present, so we should get right to it with Bergfürst. Bergfürst strengths Without such a large project pipeline as others, we still haven’t seen this FinTech run out of open projects ready to receive investment; Projects have so far been in varied geographical locations in at least three countries, avoiding single-market risks; …
Exporo – next investment
Let’s explore our next investment – the real estate crowd platform Exporo. Described below our positive impression of this FinTech, no less because of how much we learned about them. Meeting the FinTech in an event DS joined a fair called Düsseldorf Anlegertag in March, where Exporo hosted a stand. That event is a chance for investors to know more …
EstateGuru – next investment
Time to describe our following investment, through the FinTech EstateGuru! After a hesitant start with this platform, we are liking it more over time. Even with a similar business model to other companies, and a relatively limited website in a first glance, this company offers good returns for real-estate based projects in multiple countries. We started with a small invested …
Grupeer – next investment
Continuing to introduce our last investments, this post will introduce Grupeer! With a very simple webpage and interface, this FinTech platform from Latvia also entered our portfolio. By the way, if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the last version of our portfolio. We’ve currently updated it and it has plenty of information about all our investments so far. …
Swaper – next investment
We have recently done some new investments and it’s time we introduce them, starting with Swaper! This FinTech platform has a special component, making it different from previous investments. Instead of project based, this company offers investors a very simple and predictable return based on invested amounts and how long you plan to keep your investment. On the other hand, …
Mintos – Investment Update – First withdrawal payback
Investment Timeline: May 2018: € 1,000 investment August 2018: € 1,500 investment October 2018: € 200 withdrawal Audio description: • 0:00 – 0:59 Hello everyone, this is a first (post) version of the DS fintech in voice. We’re going to talk today about an update of a previous investment and this is regarding the FinTech Mintos. This is a platform …
Reinvest24 – next investment
While we consider whether or not to strategically change the allocation of our investments, given that we are currently not the size we initially were, we continue our journey with a typical real estate fintech investment through the platform Reinvest24. This Estonian company is still in early stages with less than 10 projects to be found on their website, but …
Crowdestate – next investment
Shortly after we introduced another platform, let us present the latest FinTech investment we’re testing: Crowdestate with a focus on real estate. While we already have at least one such investment in our portfolio (described here), this platform really delivers something different. Crowdestate has an apparently efficient secondary market that provides liquidity to investors throughout the project cycle. Usually the …
Bondora – next investment
After a short pause to reflect on the potential of 2019, we go back to posting here, and what better way to start than to introduce our new investment, through the platform Bondora. As the number of of FinTechs we use and post about grow – we have now invested in over ten of them – there was a concern …
PeerBerry – next investment
We finally get to the final post of the year, and what a year 2018 has been! At the end of 2017, this blog and DS were only having baby steps. Although our ambitions are for much higher flights, there were a few accomplishments that we should be proud of, and some self-imposed challenges going forward. Before that, however, let …