this week’s text will be very short and straight to the point: I’m simply announcing a small upgrade in our offer on this webpage and aim at launching the following two new features in the upcoming weeks:
An events page with upcoming FinTech and Entrepreneurship events in Düsseldorf and region;
This was a part of the plan from the beginning of this website, and finally I have the impression to be familiar enough with both host, WordPress and my theme to tackle inserting this without any help. Stay tuned, this page will include relevant Meetup events, official events such as the upcoming Düsseldorf StartupWoche and others. Stay tuned.
A portfolio page with all the FinTech assets on DS’ books.
Instead of only periodically announcing the investments by themselves like we did here or here, or even posting a static picture of how the latest version looks, let us try to keep it permanently available on a separate page.
The second of those new features might take a few more weeks to come about, I still need to describe the most recent investment made – it involves crowdlending, but I don’t want to spill the beans here – plus decide on format and so on.
By the way, I’m currently looking at colour-palette tools to review what to use on this website, if you have either feedback about my choice of colours, or even better links to tools to help me review that, I would much appreciate you getting in touch!
OK, I’m keeping it short as promised, come back next week and we should have more FinTech for you.