Finance Intermediaries

today’s post addresses less FinTechs themselves and more about those intermediaries who often help us get to the financial services that we need. The inspiration for this post came after overcoming a general resistance I have. Basically I had an ad come up on my Facebook timeline, which is something I don’t remember agreeing to and more often than not …

DagobertInvest – next investment

Let me share the next investment we have lined up for DS, made through the platform DagobertInvest from Austria. Unlike previous links to the company’s main page, the link I offer is already including my personal recommendation to new investors, so would be glad to see readers becoming investors there and will be glad to acknowledge you if that is …

August catch up

It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted something here, hope you weren’t waiting for the next post. Or maybe I don’t find it too bad if you were, but please feel free to write me whenever that happens and give me a nudge, ask something or even to plain and simply complain about it. Instead of a more focused …

Next Investment – Younited Credit

Let me introduce DS’s most recent FinTech investment – the French platform Younited Credit – and also give a bit of a sum up of where we are in our project. I stumbled upon this company by searching the biggest FinTech firms in Europe and was surprised with their size, with reports in 2017 of over €500 million through 100000+ credits. …

Next investment – Mintos

This text post will introduce the next investment through FinTechs for DS: the platform Mintos. This marketplace offers something quite different than other crowdfunding platforms, and this is a report of my first experience investing with them. First thing to know about Mintos is that it positions itself as a second-tier aggregator crowdlending platform. This means that you don’t finance …

Bundesverband Crowdfunding

As I continue to look for interesting investment opportunities among the new wave of financial services, I stumbled upon one tool that has been significantly helping me find the next investment(s), which I want to briefly introduce today, the Bundesverband Crowdfunding (German association of crowdfunding), and I’ll also mention towards the end of this text another direction I’m taking to …

Next investment – Kapilendo

Today’s text will be short and straight to the point. The focus will be Kapilendo, which is a crowd-lending platform we mentioned before, but now also disclose that it became the crowd-platform of choice for DS to lend to middle-sized German companies. One of the surprises I had when researching crowd-lending platforms was that most are exclusively for individual investors. …

Pooling as a tool for your investments

This text will be about pooling as a tool to enable certain investments or make them work better for investors. Starting with how we see the theoretical benefits of it, we also describe concrete ways in which pooling already works for many investors, and how it can potentially work for you. Finally, I also tell you my recent experience with …

Investment Review – CoinDonkey

We have previously given an introduction to crypto-currencies without mentioning where DS has actually invested, and this post will not only detail the investment it has made, but also go through risks and advantages of this specific coin we purchased, let us introduce CoinDonkey. What is CoinDonkey? Ok, I grant you the name is not my favourite, nor do I …

One Crowd, two tales

  This text will explore an important segment of the FinTech innovation spectrum, namely crowdlending. We aim at explaining how it works, giving two examples of platforms and touching their respective target-audiences, and finally mention what this brings as an opportunity to one common investor, especially one with little experience. Doing a quick research on the background of crowdfunding – …