Online banks versus traditional banks – part one

Online banks are one of the most visible branches of FinTech, and as such can define the general public’s impression of Startups within the field. This text will explain the main differences between these new organizations – online banks – and the traditional high street bank, as well as summarize my own experiences with them so far. Unavoidably, we conclude …

Next investment – Kapilendo

Today’s text will be short and straight to the point. The focus will be Kapilendo, which is a crowd-lending platform we mentioned before, but now also disclose that it became the crowd-platform of choice for DS to lend to middle-sized German companies. One of the surprises I had when researching crowd-lending platforms was that most are exclusively for individual investors. …

Investment Review – CoinDonkey

We have previously given an introduction to crypto-currencies without mentioning where DS has actually invested, and this post will not only detail the investment it has made, but also go through risks and advantages of this specific coin we purchased, let us introduce CoinDonkey. What is CoinDonkey? Ok, I grant you the name is not my favourite, nor do I …

The Power of Communities

A lot of attention is dedicated nowadays to social networks, but it’s easy to forget that the main underlying reason for such networks to exist and thrive is to leverage the power of communities. This post aims at describing the multifaceted potential of communities, going from the different types you might encounter all the way to concrete examples, also touching …

First FinTech Investment – ReaCapital

It’s been enough time since my Investment Challenge on FinTechs was launched in October and I now start reporting about it. As mentioned on last week’s post it will be a gradual approach rather than waiting for the full round to be completed, so here are the details for this first disbursement. Details: Amount: 2000 Euros Period: 18 months Rate: …